Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Victorian Essential Learning Standards (VELS) – Level 2 (Years 1 and 2)

Civics and Citizenship - Level 2 (Learning focus)
Ø  As students work towards the achievement of Level 3 standards in Civics and Citizenship, they begin to appreciate the similarities and differences between individuals and groups.
Ø  Students begin to participate in a range of class and school activities.
Science - Level 2 (Learning focus)            
Ø  As students work towards the achievement of Level 2 standards in Science, they observe and describe phenomena; for example, insect life cycles.
Ø  Students expand their simple scientific vocabulary by using words and terms for concepts such as life cycles.
Ø  Students begin to generate questions about situations and phenomena, and suggest forms of observations.
Ø  Repeat observations over time to make predictions.
Information and Communications Technology - Level 2 (Learning Focus)
Ø  As students work towards the achievement of Level 2 standards in Information and Communications Technology (ICT), they use ICT to acquire new knowledge and skills in all areas of the curriculum and to create and present information in meaningful ways.
Ø  Students develop an understanding of the importance of checking the accuracy of facts.

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