Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Lesson 3 –

Lesson Objective – Introducing the idea of Metamorphosis via the Life Cycle of a Butterfly.
To start the lesson, the class will read ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ by Eric Carle and commence discussion on the Life Cycle of a Caterpillar. Allow students to discuss how the caterpillar changes in the story and share findings with the class. Following, explain butterflies developmental process in more detail stating drastic changes and stating specific terms. Next, students will need to draw their Life cycle of a Butterfly keeping in mind the way in which the Caterpillar transformed during the course of the story. Encourage students to use the following terms: egg, larva and pupa/cocoon.
To conclude the lesson, students will watch ‘Complete Life Cycle of the Monarch Butterfly’ – YouTube clip.

Question – Do all insects go through Metamorphosis? What is the difference between Incomplete Metamorphosis and Complete Metamorphosis?

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