Lesson 2 –
Lesson Objective – Establishing the advantages and disadvantages of a mini-beast.
To start the lesson, students will be divided into small groups (4 – 5 students approximately). In their delegated groups students will list on a T chart the advantages and disadvantages of a mini beast and the impact they have on our lives. I.e. Advantage - Honey bees help us get honey; Disadvantage - a lot of insects carry diseases. When finished, students will share their discoveries with fellow classmates (teacher to collate group answers on the interactive whiteboard). Are students’ answers more good or bad? Why? Discuss the words pollinate and nectar, generating class discussion.
To conclude the lesson, students will watch ‘Good Bugs and Bad Bugs’ – YouTube clip by Gardening Jones.
Question – How do mini-beasts affect our lives? How do humans protect/defend themselves from insects that are harmful?
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